Student Leadership positions are held in high regard by the principal, staff, parents and community at Penrith Selective High School. Our student leaders are representative of our school values. They are key participants in both the modelling of standards for their peers and younger students as well as the proactive development of activities that represent the school community. The position of Prefect is one of the highest levels of student office.
Our School Captains are the highest ranked position within the student body. Year 11 students may apply for the positions of School Prefect during the nomination process in Term 2.
A total of up to 26 Prefects will be chosen during the elections. Prefects will undergo an interim period as Prefect Interns until the executive positions are determined. A strong commitment to maintain a 50-50 gender balance is adhered to each year.
All positions will be announced at a School Assembly and Captains, Vice-Captains and Prefects elect will be inducted at the Prefect Induction Ceremony. School Prefects to sign a contract, which details the work, roles and responsibilities and behaviour expected for the position.