Our 5-13 Wellbeing Strategy aims to ensure a holistic approach as students enter Penrith Selective High School, throughout their time at school and then as they transition to university.
The first element of our 5-13 Wellbeing strategy is Years 5-6. This is focussed on ensuring that students entering the school successfully transition from primary school to high school.
Upon arrival, our Year 7-12 wellbeing activities endeavour to ensure that all students are supported to achieve their personal best through their 6 years at high school. During the 6 years of high school, students are supported through an evidenced based and differentiated wellbeing program which is delivered in timetabled lessons. Additionally, we offer a broad range of co-curricular, enrichment and club programs where students can work with staff and other students who share common interests in their year group as well others.
The final element of our strategy is to ensure students transition to University and life beyond school, hence the 13th year. The 13th year also ensures the school and alumni remain connected so that professional relationships can be strengthened between students beyond the school gates. It also facilitates the return of former students to work as academic mentors, enrichment tutors and coaches. We have a diverse alumni and value their participation in events such as Alumni Night where they provide powerful insights, encouragement and support
All staff at Penrith Selective High School undertake ongoing training to understand current research and its impact on highly gifted learners. This professional learning uses Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness in addition to using the work of Del Siegle & Betsy McCoach and their Achievement Orientation Model.
The school also has a close working relationship with Bridges Academy in Studio City, California and was proud to host preeminent experts in 2e students (Twice Exceptional) Dr Susan Baum and Dr Robin Schader in 2018. The Bridges Suite of Tools is widely used to support students, teachers and parents to focus on a strengths based, talent development model of education.
The Penrith Selective High School 5-13 Wellbeing Strategy was awarded the NSW Department of Education’s Executive Director’s Award for Program Excellence in 2018.
The wellbeing team consists of the Principal, Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Educational Achievement, Year Advisers (one per year), Academic Advisers (one per stage), Learning Support Coordinator, Careers Adviser, Transition Adviser and School Counsellor/ Psychologist.
Below is our overview of the Penrith Selective High School 5-13 Wellbeing Strategy.