Penrith Selective High School

Altiora Peto - Striving for the highest

Telephone02 4721 0529

Clubs and Societies

Art Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Creative Domain



The Art Club is open to students in Years 7 to 12. The Art Club is for those students who have an interest in freely exploring creative ideas and building social connections with their peers. 

Breakfast Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Creative Domain

The Breakfast Club is open to students in Years 10 to 12. Red Cross has been supporting breakfast clubs in Australia since 1991. In 2003, Sanitarium became a national partner and together with Red Cross created “The Good Start Breakfast Club” program. The program is part of Red Cross’ work to address food insecurity in Australia by ensuring that “people have enough of the right type of food every day to keep them healthy.” The Breakfast Club assists in providing a nutritious breakfast to Penrith Primary school children who may otherwise go without.

Business Society Club

High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) Policy

  • Intellectual Domain


The Business Society is open to students in Years 10 to 12, providing an opportunity to learn and develop skills in problem solving, teamwork and entrepreneurship. Every term, students have the opportunity to think innovatively to derive and develop solutions for real life problems. Students undertake intensive business start-up workshops and group tasks led by student leaders. Each term, students work towards presenting and initiating their business proposals through a pitching competition.

Chess Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Intellectual Domain


The Chess Club is open to all years and levels. Students will have the opportunity to compete with other high school students at a competitive level. Chess will develop a child’s logical thinking, analytical skills, forward planning, perseverance, patience, and concentration.  N.B – This Club requires parent involvement with regards to transport to and from venues during competitions.

Debate and Conquer   


Debate and Conquer", with a focus on helping students ‘conquer’ their fear of public speaking through engaging, persuasive debates.  Compared to Debating Enrichment, which focuses more narrowly on preparing for debate competitions, Debate and Conquer is targeted towards beginners, emphasizing public speaking skills themselves. We aim to help students improve both their critical thinking/argumentative skills as well as public speaking.

Fair Trade Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

The Fair-Trade Club is open to students in Years 7 to 12. Fair trade is an institutional arrangement designed to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions. Members of the fair-trade movement advocate the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and environmental standards.

Gardening Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Physical Domain

The Gardening Club is open to all years. The Gardening Club is designed for those students who wish to help with school-based projects aimed at cleaning up the grounds and maintaining our sustainable garden. 

Gym & Weights Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

The Gym and Weights club aims to boost physical and mental wellbeing by incorporating exercises which train specific targeted muscles, improving and further engaging the body as well as some sufficient ways to recover and achieve maximum potential. Our Social gym club will enable individuals to improve in physical and mental aspects of their lives and make them an overall well rounded individual. 

Knitting/Crochet Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

The Knitting/Crochet club is open to students in Years 7-12. The aim of this club is to aid outside agencies who care for the homeless and the poor by making and donating blankets, beanies and scarves. The club will focus on providing support to the Volunteering and Social Justice Clubs in their initiatives as well as helping the local community.

Library Leadership Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

A Library Leaders Team will be developed to organise, facilitate and carry out the initiatives implemented in the library. The School Library will provide a new communication medium and will have monthly publications of stories, book reviews and other engaging content. Please note: This is only an expression of interest as there is a selection criteria for joining.


High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Intellectual Domain




The MUNA Club is open to students in Years 9 to 12. The Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) aims to prepare students for the annual international Rotary youth program. High school students develop an awareness of the United Nations and the countries they represent at a simulated UN Assembly.  It is an excellent forum for students to develop and practise their public speaking skills whilst debating various world issues.

Mechatronics Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Intellectual Domain

The mechatronics club is open to students in years 8 to 12 who have a desire to explore the link between mechanical and electronic engineering. This club will suit students who are keen to work as part of a team with a wide-ranging set of skills. The project-based nature of this club allows students to develop their understanding in the areas of mechanical systems, electronics, and coding as they design, plan, and problem-solve the development of an automated system.

Mindfulness Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

This club will assist students who are finding school a little stressful. This is an opportunity to relax and take some time out. In this club, students have a choice on their way to relax. They can choose from meditation, yoga, colouring, listening to music, board games and maybe even play a short film in the background.

Philosophy Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Intellectual Domain

The Philosophy Club is open to all years. The Philosophy club aims to provide students with stimulating philosophical questions to open up a universe of ideas from around the world. Students will develop reasoning and communication skills through critical thinking, collaborative enquiry, dialogue and reflection.

Social Justice & Volunteering Club 

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Social and Emotional Domain

The Social Justice Club is open to all years. The Social Justice Club promotes social justice awareness through a variety of activities throughout the year. Of particular concern are issues which affect the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the local community. Some of the issues promoted in 2019 include: Asylum seekers, Mental Health Awareness, Poverty and White Ribbon Day. 

The Volunteering Club is open to all years. The Volunteering Club provides a unique opportunity for students to make a difference to their local community and other communities. The club aims to develop students’ community awareness and assist in and/or lead projects which will impact positively on groups in our society or around the world. 

3D Computer Aided Design and 3D Printing Club

High Potential and Gifted Education Policy

  • Intellectual Domain

The 3D CAD and Printing club is open to students from years 7 to 12. This club provides students with the opportunity to develop their creative design skills through the generation of 3D models, both virtual and real. Students can work individually or in groups, at a pace that suits their ability and desire to create.